Unfortunately I am unable to accept payment by most insurance companies at this time. Unless you are injured on the job or in an automobile accident and covered by Workman's Compensation or Private Injury Protection from Auto Insurance, then it is difficult to bill insurance directly for massage therapy in the state of Maine. The Maine AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) is currently working hard to change legislation to define Massage Therapists as healthcare providers and Medicare is considering adding massage therapy coverage. This would eventually lead to insurance coverage in Maine per the Affordable Care Act.
Check your health care policy carefully. Some insurance companies do cover massage or manual therapy by massage therapists, but many do not. If your insurance company covers massage or manual therapy by a massage therapist then let me know and I will apply to be credentialed with them so your services are covered.
Some insurance companies allow members to pay for massage through a flexible spending account. I am happy to provide a detailed receipt with appropriate medical billing codes (CPT codes) and my NPI (National Provider Identification) number to help with reimbursement.
Please note: Many companies do require that you obtain a prescription or referral for massage therapy (medically necessary) in order to be covered or reimbursed. While this will be your primary responsibility, I am happy to provide assistance.
What methods of payment do you accept?
Currently I accept cash, checks (made out to Nurture Massage Therapy & Wellness), and major credit cards - Visa, Mastercard, Discover, & American Express. Payment is expected when services are rendered unless arranged prior to the appointment.
What if i can't afford a therapy session - do you have a sliding scale or payment program?
Yes, we have a pay it forward program - The Blessings Basket - that contributes funds to those with financial hardship.
What Should i expect?
If you have had massage before, sessions conducted at Nurture may be a little different than what you have previously experienced. You can expect that I will conduct a through review of your health history, current situation, preferences, and needs for safe holistic care.
When you arrive at Nurture in the Coastal Pines Wellness Center you may hang your coat on the coat hooks to the left of the door. In the winter we do ask that you please remove your footwear to keep snow and slush off the floors for cleanliness and safety. You will find slippers in the basket for your use (yes these are washed in between). We will respectfully ask that you switch your cell phone to silence or vibrate and keep voices low as there are other practitioners and treatment sessions going on in the building.
We have several magazines to peruse as well as adult coloring books, crosswords and suduko puzzles to entertain you should you need to wait. We have free Wifi (code provided in the waiting area). There is a variety of complimentary beverages such as tea, juice, infused water, and water available. Our loose leaf tea collection is delicious - check out our menu! Feel free to help yourself.
As you settle in you will be offered a warm pack for your shoulders (unless contraindicated). For first time clients there is paperwork to fill out so you will want to allow extra time for that. You can save time by filling out the health history form electronically through my secure online portal from SoapVault. Please be sure to enter or include a list of any medications you are taking. There may be additional forms needed depending on your particular situation.
Once the information is gathered we will go to a private location to discuss your history, needs, and preferences. Together we will formulate a treatment plan - You are an integral part of your treatment and you are encouraged to take an active role. Before we begin a treatment session you may wish to visit the bathroom. In subsequent sessions we will have discussions about how things are going and have an opportunity to ask questions, adjust our treatment plan, and review ways to manage any symptoms or go over self-care strategies.
In the treatment room I will draw the curtains and leave the room for you to undress to your comfort level. Then you will lie on the treatment table covered by the sheets and blanket. I will knock and wait for your reply before reentering the room. During the session you are properly draped so that only the area being worked on is exposed. I will maintain your modesty. Should you require assistance I am a nurse, but rest assured that I have special draping techniques for dressing/undresssing if need be.
Before starting the treatment I will check in with you regarding your position, warmth, and overall comfort. Your responsibility is to let me know if something is not great for you (the pillow is not positioned right, you're cold, you're too hot, you hate the music, the light is too bright, the face cradle is too high or low, something hurts, etc.). I am happy to readjust things - It doesn't offend me in the least and this is your session so your comfort is paramount. It doesn't take long to make a few tweaks and this can mean the difference between a good productive session and a bad one. It's really difficult to relax if you are uncomfortable. I'm pretty creative and innovative and have lots of tricks up my sleeve so it doesn't hurt to let me know - we are partners in your health journey, remember.
Ok, so with the preliminaries out of the way we can get to the heart and soul of the work - the treatment session. This will vary with your needs and condition. I use intuition and my repertoire of skills to craft your session. Your feedback is important. During the session you can relax silently with your eyes closed or have them wide open and be chatty - it's all according to you - I will follow your lead. Sometimes both states go back and forth in the same session and just as no two people are alike, no two sessions will be completely the same. My job is to hold the space and be the facilitator and your job is to do the healing, together we make a fabulous team. Often I will incorporate aromatherapy in the session according to your needs and with your permission. Several modalities may be used during the treatment session including energy work. Some work may be subtle and others more direct. There may be times where I will ask you to assist in a stretch or technique - we will work together. Again, please tell me if there is any discomfort so adjustments can be made.
At the completion of the session I typically provide a little Reiki and to conclude you will hear the chime of the Tibetan singing bowl. I will then leave the room for you to slowly get up and reassembled. When you are finished you can come out to the waiting area where you can be checked out. Payment will be collected at this time and future appointments made if desired. Many times I will have exercises, stretches, or other recommendations for you to work on while you are at home to maintain your progress. Occasionally you may receive "homework". You will be encouraged to drink plenty of water following your treatment. Water will be available for you and many folks enjoy receiving a message from the "magic basket" before they leave.
how long is a session?
All sessions are 90 minutes in length unless specifically discussed otherwise - 60 minute sessions are actually 90 minutes in length and 90 minute sessions are 2 hours long. First time sessions may last up to two hours depending on the complexity of your medical history. I take a thorough review of your history and current situation and together we plan a safe treatment for you. Sessions are longer to allow for discussion, testing and assessment, teaching, recommendations, and any dressing or undressing that needs to occur. The treatment portion of the session is a FULL 60 or 90 minutes on the table and 30 minutes are allotted for other activities as outlined above.
Lymphedema Treatment - MLD and CDT during Phase I are 2.5 hours in length to allow for measurements, unwrapping, inspection, skin care, treatment, bandaging, and exercise review. Phase II MLD is 90 minutes in length. A special appointment may be needed to fit you for compression garments depending on the areas involved.
If you need a different timeline or need to be somewhere at a specific time please tell me so I can ensure your time needs are respected.
what is your cancellation policy?
Generally I ask for 24 hours notice for a cancellation. This allows me to offer the slot to another client who might be waiting for an appointment. I understand life happens, there are emergencies, and cancer treatment is unpredictable. Please just let me know the situation and we will come up with a plan.
Do you provide treatment sessions in other locations?
Yes, treatment sessions can be arranged in certain circumstances for a home visit, or in a hospital, clinic, nursing home, or hospice facility.
What happens if i need to go to the bathroom during a session?
No problem! We understand, especially with cancer care that the need to go to the bathroom might be unpredictable or suddenly urgent. There are always robes and slippers in the room for this very reason. Simply let me know and we will interrupt the session to accommodate. Don't worry, you won't miss any treatment time! I will adjust the time so you have a full hour on the table unless you need to leave at a specific time.
Do I need a referral from my doctor?
No, but it may be preferable. If you intend to have this therapy covered by insurance then you most likely will need a referral and prescription from your primary care provider, oncologist, or other referring provider with prescriptive ability. If you are in treatment for cancer it is usually best to check in with your oncologist to make sure there are no contraindications. In general, it is good for all of the providers on your care team to be aware of and understand all care being provided in order to provide you with safe and comprehensive care.
Will you coordinate care with my oncology team?
Absolutely! I will need you to sign a release form but am happy to work with your care team and provide them with progress reports as well as integrate treatment with or around your cancer therapy schedule.